A Mesmerizing Natural Wonder: Rare 2,400-Foot Rainbow Waterfall Unveiled in Yosemite National Park

During November, extremely high water levels combined with strong winds at the ideal time at 9 a.m. create a 2,400-foot (about 732 meters) rainbow waterfall in Yosemite National Park. This waterfall has never been seen before.

Landscape photographer Greg Harlow, from Utah, captured the incredible sight and said the rainbow lasted for more than eight minutes. This was definitely not a planned event – the photographer “spent over three months at Yosemite last year and was just lucky”.

He had good luck trying to photograph Yosemite Falls from the Glacier Point viewpoint. Suddenly, the waterfall began to “turn into” a rainbow, a phenomenon that occurs only at certain times of the year and under special conditions.

Harlow recorded real-time video, fast-motion video and photos of the event from his point of view using a 200mm lens. You can see the real-time video above and the fast-motion video below.This 2,400-foot rainbow waterfall at Yosemite National Park has captured the attention of netizens and nature lovers worldwide. The combination of high water levels and strong winds has created this beautiful natural phenomenon, making many people surprised and admired.

The rainbow extends over 2,000 feet, rising from the Yosemite waterfall, creating a beautiful and magical scene. This phenomenon occurs only at specific times of the year and under special weather conditions, making it a rare event and worth seeing.

this memorable moment. He spent many months in Yosemite, hoping to encounter rare and stunning landscapes like this one. One morning in November, when he was photographing Yosemite Falls from Glacier Point, he was surprised to see the waterfall transform into an enchanting rainbow.

Greg Harlow quickly got his camera ready and began capturing this wondrous sight. He recorded real-time video, giving us the feeling of standing in front of a waterfall and watching the rainbow right in front of our eyes. He also captured beautiful shimmering pictures of the rainbow stretching into the distance.
The event attracted widespread attention on social media and the media, with many praising the miraculous and accidental beauty of this rainbow. The simultaneous occurrence of high water levels and strong winds at the ideal time created a surprising and amazing phenomenon.

Yosemite National Park has once again proven its charm and become an attractive destination for nature lovers and photographers. Unique natural phenomena like this rainbow waterfall make every visit to Yosemite an unforgettable and cherished experience.
The rainbow that spanned more than 2,000 feet at Yosemite National Park ended in just over eight minutes, but the images and memories of it will last forever in the hearts of those who had the chance to witness this rare event.