Backlash Against Hotel Keeping Dolphins in Basement Pool for Dubious Therapy

A pair of bottlenose dolphins held captive in a indoor swimming pool under the Best Western Paradise Hotel Dilijan Armenia to be used for dolphin therapy

Dolphins are not healers but smart sociable predators and they shouldn't be used to 'cure' the ill, said one expert

The practice of dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT) has long been debunked by experts worldwide, with leading neuroscientists emphasizing that dolphins are not healers but intelligent predators ill-suited for such purposes. Lori Marino, a prominent researcher, underscores the detrimental effects of captivity on dolphins, citing stress-related diseases and the absence of scientific evidence supporting DAT’s therapeutic effectiveness.

There is no scientific evidence for dolphin assisted therapy and at best it can have a placebo effect, say experts

Furthermore, the conditions under which these dolphins are kept are deeply concerning. Confined to a dimly lit, subterranean pool, these creatures endure loneliness and physical constraints far removed from their natural habitat. The lack of natural stimuli and the inappropriate environment pose significant welfare issues for these dolphins, raising serious ethical questions about their captivity.

Captive dolphins spend their lives under tremendous stress as they struggle to adapt to an environment that is drastically different from the wild

The outcry against the hotel’s actions has gained momentum, with marine mammal charities spearheading efforts to rescue these dolphins from their confinement. Margaux Dodds, Director of Marine Connection, has condemned the hotel’s disregard for animal welfare, highlighting discrepancies in the dolphins’ origins and the dubious nature of their captivity.

The filtration system of the pool would not be able to cope with the amounts of waste these dolphins will expel

Despite mounting pressure from conservationists and concerned guests, the hotel management has yet to respond adequately to calls for action. Calls for accountability and responsible tourism have reverberated among guests, with many expressing their dismay and pledging to boycott the hotel until the dolphins are released from captivity.

Guests who stayed at the hotel have angrily hit out at the keeping of dolphins in the swimming pool and called for a boycott 
As the debate intensifies, the fate of these dolphins hangs in the balance, underscoring the urgent need for ethical standards in wildlife tourism and the protection of marine mammals from exploitation. The hotel’s disregard for animal welfare has ignited a global conversation about the ethical implications of using dolphins for dubious therapy, emphasizing the importance of respecting the dignity and well-being of all living creatures.