Daniel Antoniol: Conjuring Surreal Realities with the Moon

Within the realm of Antoniol’s artistic vision, perspective becomes his ingenious brushstroke. Through skillful manipulation, the moon is transformed into a diminutive spectacle reminiscent of a mere lightbulb, seemingly weightless enough to be cradled in one’s hand.

But Antoniol’s visual enchantments extend far beyond mere manipulation of scale. We witness him playfully integrating the moon into everyday scenarios – from a spontaneous game of football to the improbable act of stowing it away in the trunk of his car. With each click of his camera, Antoniol beckons viewers into a world where the extraordinary is commonplace, and the laws of physics bend to his artistic will.

This fascination with the moon was ignited during the lockdown of 2020, while Antoniol found himself confined to his parents’ countryside farm in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil. Amidst the isolation, the moon became a source of solace and inspiration, prompting Antoniol to embark on a creative journey that would capture the imagination of viewers worldwide.
Armed with a Canon T6 and a keen eye for composition, Antoniol continues to captivate audiences with his surreal imagery. Yet, despite the acclaim his work has garnered, he remains humble, eschewing notions of celebrity in favor of a deeper purpose. For Antoniol, photography is a means of conveying peace and inspiration to others, a medium through which he can transport viewers to distant realms and evoke positive energy.

As he dreams of immortalizing his art, Antoniol sees the moon as a symbol of possibility and transcendence. Through his work, he invites us to join him on a journey beyond the confines of our reality, where the impossible becomes possible, and the beauty of the cosmos awaits.