Lion Explains to Tourists Why Windows Must Be Shut

People were slowly moving off and more arriving, as is usual with a lion sighting. Eventually, I got close to the front. By this time, the big lion had made a few advances on the female, nuzzling her and trying to get her consent, but every time, he was rebuffed with a fierce growl from her.

After the umpteenth attempt, all of a sudden, he walked away from her and started staring at the occupants of the closest car. I guess that he either decided to see if he could impress his lady with some bravado or else he needed something to take his frustrations out of. At this point, I quickly started filming, as it looked as if something was about to happen.

Luckily, I started the camera rolling, as quick as a flash, he had attacked the car and turned back to the female, as if to say, “Look how brave I am.” There was nothing that the occupants of the vehicle had done wrong, and luckily they had their windows up, as it could have otherwise ended in disaster.


They just happened to be the closest vehicle to the lion when he lost his mind. The shaken tourists in the vehicle drove off shaken but unharmed. When looking at the reaction of the driver in the video, it did not even seem as if he was that afraid. But on speaking to them afterward, I think that they were fairly traumatized.

Witnessing a lion’s behavior up close can be both thrilling and terrifying. This was certainly the case for a group of tourists who found themselves in a tense encounter with a male lion and his potential mate. As the crowd gathered to watch the spectacle, the lion’s persistent advances towards the female drew mixed reactions of awe and concern.

The female lion, clearly uninterested in the male’s affections, repeatedly rebuffed his advances with intimidating growls. However, it soon became apparent that the male lion’s attention had shifted to the occupants of a nearby car. Perhaps driven by a desire to impress the female or fueled by frustration, the lion abruptly turned towards the vehicle.

Realizing the potential danger, a witness quickly began recording the unfolding events. In a startling display of aggression, the lion lunged at the car, leaving its occupants in a state of shock. Fortunately, the windows were closed, preventing any physical harm from befalling the frightened tourists. Despite the seemingly calm demeanor of the driver captured on camera, it was later revealed that the experience had deeply affected them.

Encounters with wildlife can be unpredictable, and this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the boundaries and natural behaviors of animals in their habitats. While the tourists involved were fortunate to escape unharmed, it underscores the need for caution and vigilance when observing wildlife up close. The memory of this intense encounter will undoubtedly stay with them for a lifetime, serving as a vivid reminder of the raw power and untamed nature of the animal kingdom.