Looking Inside the Fish: A Developing Human-Like Form and Conservation Hope

Looking inside this fish reveals an evolving human-like form !t - Malise

In a captivating revelation, the aquatic realm offers a glimpse into the unexpected as the fish unveils a developing human-like appearance, igniting curiosity and fascination among observers. This remarkable phenomenon has brought attention to the charismatic inhabitant of the aquarium, suggesting that he holds a special place not only within the aquatic world but also within the hearts of those who encounter him.

Marina Benazic, a biologist at the aquarium, shared her admiration for this enigmatic creature, noting that his charismatic smile seems to captivate everyone in the vicinity. She even speculates that this particular fish might be slowly winning over the entire country of Croatia, emphasizing his unique and charismatic presence.

Looking inside this fish reveals an evolving human-like form !t - Malise

Amidst the backdrop of ecological challenges, rays and sharks are facing the looming threat of extinction due to extensive fishing practices, sea pollution, and climate change. Against this backdrop, creatures like Srećko, the young ray, offer a beacon of hope for the preservation of these delicate species through successful reproduction efforts.

Srećko, who measured just 8 centimeters during his initial days, spends his time playing with his seven siblings within the confines of his tank. Staff members at the aquarium meticulously feed these young rays, as they are not yet capable of capturing their own food due to their tender age.

Looking inside this fish reveals an evolving human-like form !t - Malise

Explaining the feeding routine, biologist Matea Stankić mentioned that the young rays are not adept at catching their own food yet, hence they are provided krill as sustenance. Srećko is still too inexperienced to catch these fast-moving krill on his own.

The Adriatic Sea serves as the natural habitat for a variety of ray fish species. As Srećko and his siblings grow, they are slated to be relocated to Dubrovnik and either placed in another aquarium or released back into the Adriatic Sea.


Looking inside this fish reveals an evolving human-like form !t - Malise

The endeavor to secure the future of Srećko and his fellow rays is an ongoing effort, with various EU programs focusing on their successful reintroduction into their natural habitat. Collaborative discussions with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs are underway, aimed at achieving a positive outcome, as expressed by Marija Aksanđar Bajković, the manager of Pula Aquarium.

Looking inside this fish reveals an evolving human-like form !t - Malise

While this remarkable fish continues to evolve within the confines of the aquarium, his story resonates as a symbol of hope and conservation. For now, Srećko and his siblings find contentment under the vigilant care of their dedicated caregivers at the Pula Aquarium, highlighting the invaluable role aquariums play in safeguarding our marine treasures.