The Biggest Maine Coon In The World Watches Over His Little Brother. A Whole New Level Of Cute!

The Biggest Maine Coon In The World Watches Over His Little Brother. A Whole New Level Of Cute!
Meet Ludo, a 3-year-old Maine Coon from Wakefield, England is not only the Biggest Maine Coon in the world, he is also holds the title of biggest house cat.


According to Kelsey Gill (Ludo’s owner), Ludo is the biggest kitten in his litter. Just before his first birthday, he weighed 20 ½ pounds. Many people who met Ludo as a kitten didn’t believe he was a kitten because he was so big.


On October 6th 2015, he was measured by the Guinness World Records at 118.33cm (3 ft 10.59 inch) and was crowned to be the World’s longest domestic cat. However, a year later, Ludo did not stop at that weight, even bigger and now weighs about 34lbs.

With a large body but very gentle, he likes to be by his side to look after and protect his human family. This image shows him seemingly looking after his little brother, Ryder. Ludo looked at the child passionately. Not only that, but he also helps his parents watch over his other 9lb brother, Cameron. The two played together, cuddling each other all day.

Kelsey says this big cat is so gentle, its fur is as soft as a big teddy bear. When Cameron was tired, Ludo would come and lie next to him and help him get better. The kids enjoyed Ludo very much.