The Olive-backed Sunbird: A Stunning Avian Beauty with a Hidden Surprise
The Olive-backed Sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis) is a captivating little bird that boasts a unique and alluring appearance. With its apricot-colored feathers, usually concealed beneath the wings, and its iridescent blue throat, this bird is a true spectacle to behold. The male of the species, in particular, is striking, adorned with a bright yellow belly and a dark brown back. His forehead, throat, and upper breast are a lustrous, metallic blue, making him stand out in the avian world.
What makes this sunbird even more intriguing is its secret weapon – the apricot-colored feathers that are only visible when he needs to use them for display purposes. At other times, they remain tucked away beneath his wings. The female is equally attractive, with a bright yellow belly and a brown back, although she lacks the more colorful plumage of her male counterpart.
The Olive-backed Sunbird is native to southeast Asia and Australia, ranging from southern China through to Indonesia and northeastern Australia. While it was initially found in mangrove swamps, it has adapted to human-inhabited areas and can now be spotted in woodlands, orchards, coconut plantations, towns, and villages.
Being an omnivorous bird, the Olive-backed Sunbird enjoys a varied diet consisting of both nectar and invertebrates. It gathers nectar from flowering plants like coconut and papaya and is known to hunt spiders, ants, and caterpillars.
Breeding season for these sunbirds occurs from December through July. During this time, the female constructs a pear-shaped nest with a small side entrance, using grass stems and other fibrous materials. She lays 1-3 pale green eggs with brown blotches and diligently incubates them for 11 days until they hatch. The devoted parents then take turns feeding the chicks until they fledge after 15-16 days.
Despite the threats many bird species face due to habitat loss and other factors, the population of Olive-backed Sunbirds is suspected to be stable. This is uplifting news for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, as they can continue to relish the joy of observing this exquisite bird in its natural habitat. The Olive-backed Sunbird is a testament to the diverse and captivating beauty found in the avian world, reminding us to cherish and protect these precious creatures and their habitats for generations to come.